Dude, where's my CRUD?
One of the powerful features of Rails 1.x was the ability to generate CReate, Update, and Delete (CRUD) admin screens automatically using the scaffolding script built into Rails.
The original scaffolding read the database models and created basic, but usable screens to let you add and edit database records. When the 2.x release of Rails came out, scaffolding lost that power. Now, you have to manually specify each table field and type on the command line when running scaffold. If you don't, the generated screens will be empty.
Worse, a basic reference to all valid field types was missing. Here are all the valid types I have been able to dig up:
text (long text, up to 64k, often used for text areas)
decimal (for financial data)
A mapping of the scaffolding types to data types in corresponding databases can be found on Overooped.
Here is an example of using 2.x scaffolding with data types, run from the Rails application root directory:
ruby script/generate scaffold Modelname name:string title:string employed_on:date remarks:text
Here is an example of using rails 3.x scaffolding with data types, run from the Rails application root directory:
ruby script/rails generate scaffold Modelname name:string title:string employed_on:date remarks:text