Here was my object (not tied to a database, just created for convenience):
class ForceI needed to sort an array of these objects by rank ascending, shift ascending, then promoted_on (date) descending.
attr_accessor :id
attr_accessor :last_name
attr_accessor :first_name
attr_accessor :rank
attr_accessor :shift
attr_accessor :promoted_on
attr_accessor :phone
attr_accessor :totalcount
I sorted them by concatenating the fields together and making the right comparisons. This only works because the first two fields, rank and shift, cannot be empty. Otherwise, a simple concatenation would create undesired results.
Sorting all fields ascending looks like this:
@forces = @forces.sort {|x,y| x.shift + x.rank + x.promoted_on.to_s <=> y.shift + y.rank + y.promoted_on.to_s}To sort the promoted_on field in descending order, reverse the x,y sides for that field:
@forces = @forces.sort {|x,y| x.shift + x.rank + y.promoted_on.to_s <=> y.shift + y.rank + x.promoted_on.to_s}No need for a special sort coding block. Ruby FTW!